Sample apps for Freshdesk — refreshed!

Saif Ali Shaik
Freshworks Developer Platform Blog
2 min readJun 10, 2019


To illustrate the capabilities of the developer platform and to help you in your quest to build Freshdesk apps we provide sample apps. Over the last couple of months, we refreshed our sample apps to make it easier for you to build powerful apps. Some updates performed as part of this exercise are as follows:

  • Installation parameters are now secured using the ‘secure’ tag, wherever necessary.
  • Serverless sample apps now use ES6 JavaScript.
  • Source code has been updated with comments adhering to the JSDoc standards.
  • For ease of comprehension, screenshots have been added in a separate folder under each app.

In this blog post, we will review some of the updated sample apps that showcase important platform capabilities.

The full-page app

Freshdesk supports full-page apps so you can build apps that use the additional space provided to deliver reports, charts, dashboards, and so on.

Our sample app renders a bar graph of ticket counts aggregated by the ticket status. You can click on a bar in the graph to obtain a list of tickets that are in-turn linked to the Ticket Details page.

Want to build your own full page app? — Check out the tutorial to get started.

An enhanced data storage app

For the cases where you would want your app to persist data, our platform supports storing key-value pairs limited to a storage capacity of 8KB per value.

Sometimes, an app might need to store data in such a way that information accumulates within a single value over time. This may cause the size of the stored value to exceed the accorded limit. To handle this scenario, you can stretch the data storage feature across multiple key-value pairs using a traditional linked list.

Check out this enhanced data storage app in our sample app repository.

The secure API app

In specific cases, you might want your app to exchange information through middleware. You can use a system based on JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to help transfer information securely between your middleware and app.

The secure API app makes a request to the middleware with the help of JWT tokens and a couple of headers.

Looking to secure your middleware through JWT? — Check this blog post to get started.

We hope these updates to sample apps will help you build better apps and to stay up-to-date with all the latest capabilities. Please reach out to for any queries or suggestions.

