Published inFreshworks Developer Platform BlogGlobal Apps Framework (Beta): From Products to ModulesA Paradigm Shift in Freshworks App DevelopmentMar 11, 2024Mar 11, 2024
Optimizing DevRel for Generalists: A New Team Practice [Part 1]The evolving developer ecosystem convinced Satwik & Rohit that Freshworks needed a developer relations team. They set up one four years…Nov 28, 20231Nov 28, 20231
Commentary: 2023 State of DevRel Report — Key InsightsJust a bunch of first impressionsNov 4, 2023Nov 4, 2023
Productive Dissenters in EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurs make this mistake over and over and over again. When you start a company, you need help to go far. You want people who…Oct 18, 20231Oct 18, 20231
Published inFreshworks Developer Platform BlogCelebrate this Hacktoberfest with FreshworksAs developers around the world celebrate the festival of open source, check out what Freshworks has to offer this Hacktoberfest.Oct 9, 2020Oct 9, 2020
The Ideal Hackathon motivationAn Ideal motivation guide for hackathon managers, participants and judges.Feb 15, 2020Feb 15, 2020
Published inFreshworks Developer Platform BlogGet Certified! — Freshworks Developer Certification ProgramYou can now take our developer certification and become a certified Freshworks developer partner.Dec 12, 2019Dec 12, 2019
Published inFreshworks Developer Platform BlogSample apps for Freshdesk — refreshed!Sample apps for Freshdesk are now up-to-date with respect to newly launched capabilities of our platform.Jun 10, 2019Jun 10, 2019
A morning at your school with BlockchainIt was early morning at 8:00 AM at a School. It is required by the school authority for the students to maintain 80% Attendance. There…Oct 30, 2018Oct 30, 2018